We’ve all gone through phases where we feel a bit disconnected from Reiki energy and struggle to reconnect. A good practice for reconnection is to undergo a new attunement, whether it’s a healing attunement or a specific level attunement. But another way to reconnect with the energy is through this technique.
Additionally, this technique can be very useful on various occasions, such as enhancing Reiki before facing stressful situations, or boosting your energy when you need to provide therapy to many people, attune many individuals, or simply present yourself to a large audience.
It is particularly recommended to use this technique before a stressful situation, like preparing for a conference, interview, speech, or any other event that demands heightened attention, enabling our connection to the source of boundless knowledge. It can be used in times of confusion, exhaustion, or mental dispersion, providing mental clarity, emotional balance, and deep relaxation.
The Importance of the Crown Chakra in Reiki:
In this technique, the aim is to balance the Crown Chakra and achieve a greater flow of energy through it. As we know, the Crown Chakra serves as the link between our physical body and the cosmic reality or higher energies. Opening this chakra enables an expanded consciousness and the perfection of one’s being. When this chakra is balanced and deeply connected to universal life energy, it provides a global view of the universe, insight into one’s own path of growth, allowing us to manifest spiritual serenity, cosmic awareness, integration, devotion, and revealing the true meaning of our existence.
The energy applied during a Reiki session is received by the Crown Chakra. The technique of activating energy channels allows for the activation and balance of the Crown Chakra so that Reiki energy can be absorbed and flow in large quantities, amplifying healing techniques for crowds.
Here, I explain the development of the technique:
- Join the ring, middle, and thumb fingers of each hand. The index and pinkie fingers should remain extended.
- Bring both hands together so that the backs of the middle and ring fingers remain in contact, and the tips of the pinkie and index fingers of the right hand rest on the pinkie and index fingers of the left hand.
- Move your hands towards the top of your head, as if they were an antenna, touching the Crown Chakra with the fingertips that are joined (middle, ring, and thumb).
- For those who haven’t reached Reiki level 3, you can simply stay in this position, observing the energy changes for at least 3 minutes.

- Those who have completed Reiki level 3 can proceed with the following steps:
- Visualize the DKM symbol for at least 1 minute. Mentally draw it at the top of your head and imagine it entering through the Crown Chakra.
- Visualize the CKR symbol for at least 1 minute. Mentally draw it at the top of your head and imagine it entering through the Crown Chakra.
- Visualize the HSZSN symbol for at least 1 minute. Mentally draw it at the top of your head and imagine it entering through the Crown Chakra.
- Visualize the SHK symbol for at least 1 minute. Mentally draw it at the top of your head and imagine it entering through the Crown Chakra.
- Stay in this position for 3 minutes, and your Crown Chakra will be activated to receive and expand in the frequency of the crowd.
I hope you enjoy this technique as much as I do.
Infinite love
Article by Magalí Giménez
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Magalí Giménez
I am Magalí, I am a Molecular Biologist, I have a PhD in Biological Sciences, I specialize in plant genetics and epigenetics.
I am a Master in Usui Reiki and level two Karuna Reiki®. I am a reader and healer of Akashic Registers.
You can visit my meditation channel in Spanish @ElMayorBien, and you can contact me at [email protected]
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