I recently had an opportunity to provide Reiki to a patient who was involved in a horrific car accident. The patient was in the trauma unit at our local hospital.
I have always been told my Reiki is very gentle (not that I have control over that) I’m only the conduit for the Life Force Energy to Flow where it needs to go. Nonetheless, I was a little apprehensive walking into the trauma unit, I didn’t know what to expect, and it was probably better I didn’t have an expectation.
I entered the patient’s room and immediately knew they were ready to receive the Reiki. I explained the process, and advised I would talk to them through the process and that if they had any questions to please ask right away. I told the patient that sometimes could feel, warmth, cold and nothing at all. They were worried because of all the high doses of pain medication it would not work. I reassured the patient ask for the Reiki to go where it is needed, even if my hands are on part of the body, they may feel the Life Force energy somewhere else and that is totally fine, and if they didn’t feel anything that also was fine.
I started to cleanse the hospital room by drawing (3) Cho Ku Rei (CKR) + adding (3) Sei Heiki (SK) + (3) Dai Ko Myo (DKM) + (3) CKR – on each wall. I began to call in Dr. Usui, my guides, angels, ancestors, and all beings of white light to help bring the Life Force Energy to the patient. I also asked for my EGO to move out of the way to allow the flow of energy to be clear of what the patient needed not what I thought the patient needed. I have learned that I need to remember I am the conduit, and Reiki knows precisely where to go.
I brought in several healing crystals for the patient. A Rose Quartz palm stone, to help with calming their heart and aid to bring in love, an Amethyst for inflammation and to help speed up healing, as well a Snowflake obsidian for pain.

I also told the patient if she wanted, she could also call in his spirit team, to be there for comfort during the Reiki Session. I began at the Crown Chakra and normally would open the Crown Chakra, to start clearing the Chakras. However, this patient had a severe head injury, so I began to give Reiki on the Crown. I did clear the Chakras during the session, however, I felt it was best not to open the Crown Chakra as I have done in the past with other clients.
During the session I saw the patient squeezing the Rose Palm. I asked if they were okay, and they responded yes, that they felt their Ancestors in the room with them. I continued the session, continuously checking on the patient as their body had been through so much. I know Reiki can do no harm, I just wanted to reassure the patient if they needed anything to let me know. They said they could feel cold in some areas and heat in other areas.
The session was approximately 45 minutes, I listened to Spirit tell me that was long enough. I ended the session and discussed with the patient how they felt. This was my first time in a trauma unit. I’ve done Reiki on Cancer patients in the past after Chemotherapy to help calm their stomach for nausea, but not a patient in a trauma unit.
The patient told me they felt like they wanted to cry but held back the tears, I assured the patient it is perfectly OK to cry in fact it is especially healing and helps to remove stored trauma and stagnant energy. The patient smiled and shed a tear.
I thanked my spirit team and Dr. Usui for allowing me to be the conduit for healing. As an Advanced Reiki Master going out of my comfort zone to hospitals made me realize there are so many people who can benefit from Reiki.
The greatest gift I have is to share Reiki to those in need. If you want to know if REIKI is for you, the answer is YES !!!! Whether you want to learn, teach or receive Reiki, I recommend saying YES !!
Article by Maria Emeterio
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Maria Emeterio is an Advanced Reiki Master teacher, who specializes in Chakra Healing, and she ALWAYS offers FREE Reiki to any parents who have suffered the loss of a child, as a way to give back to her community and honor her GRANDSON JAX who passed from S.I.D.S.
You can contact Maria at https://smart.bio/be_blissfully_balanced.
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