Just as humans possess a complex network of energy centers known as chakras, our pet companions also possess their own energetic system. Chakras are believed to be vital hubs of energy that regulate various aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of chakras in pets, exploring their locations and the aspects of their being that they govern.
1. The Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is associated with the feeling of groundedness, stability, and a sense of belonging. In pets, this chakra governs their basic survival instincts, overall physical health, and their connection with their human and animal companions. When the Root Chakra is balanced, pets display a strong sense of security, trust, and exhibit a healthy, vibrant energy. The root chakra, responsible for the survival instinct in animals, is more developed in animals lower in the food chain, those hunted by predators, and alpha members of herds and packs.
2. The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
The Sacral Chakra is situated just below the navel and is associated with creativity, passion, and emotional well-being. In pets, this chakra is closely tied to their reproductive system, sexual energy, and overall emotional balance. When balanced, pets demonstrate healthy social interactions, enjoy playfulness, and possess a zest for life. Stimulating the sacral chakra is beneficial for animals before a visit to the veterinarian, for example, as this is where strong emotions reside. Balancing the sacral chakra before and after training and obedience lessons is also beneficial to help the animal relax and rediscover their natural boundaries.
3. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Located in the upper abdomen, the Solar Plexus Chakra governs a pet’s self-confidence, assertiveness, and overall sense of personal power. This chakra influences a pet’s digestive system and metabolism. A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra promotes self-assuredness, bravery, and a healthy appetite.The solar plexus chakra is often underdeveloped in domesticated animals, causing them to gradually lose their sense of self and instincts.
4. The Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Situated in the center of the chest, the Heart Chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional harmony. Pets with an open and balanced Heart Chakra tend to be affectionate, loyal, and exhibit a deep bond with their human family. This chakra governs the cardiovascular system and influences a pet’s ability to give and receive love.
5. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Located in the throat region, the Throat Chakra is associated with communication, expression, and clarity. In pets, this chakra influences their ability to effectively communicate their needs and emotions. A balanced Throat Chakra results in clear, confident barking or vocalizations, while an imbalance may lead to excessive barking or difficulty in expressing themselves.
6. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Situated between the eyes, the Third Eye Chakra is connected to intuition, perception, and psychic abilities. In pets, this chakra is believed to govern their instinctual behaviors and ability to sense danger or detect subtle changes in their environment. A balanced Third Eye Chakra enhances a pet’s alertness, intuition, and overall awareness.
7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with spiritual connection and higher consciousness. In pets, this chakra influences their connection to universal energy and their ability to be receptive to healing energies. A balanced Crown Chakra promotes a sense of purpose, harmony, and a deep connection to their human companions.

Additional chakras specific to animals
The brachial chakra, also known as the key chakra, is located on each side of an animal’s body, around the shoulder area. It acts as a central point for the interaction between humans and animals. When it comes to animals, any intention or healing process should start with this chakra. Animals that have a strong bond with their human companions often have a vibrant and active brachial chakra.
The bud chakras are found on each limb (paw) and on the skin near the base of each ear. These chakras are highly sensitive to subtle energetic vibrations, such as changes in weather or the occurrence of major events like hurricanes or earthquakes. The bud chakras in the feet are often used by animals to connect with beneficial sources of energy from the ground. When animals discover these areas, they may mark them before stretching or rolling around.
Although the bud chakras and minor chakras are smaller energy centers, they play an equally important role and offer support based on the major chakras. In most animals, their senses and instincts are much more refined and sensitive compared to humans. As a result, the chakras in animals appear brighter and larger than ours. Animals have 21 minor chakras, which actually function as sensory centers, and they can be found on the nose, ears, and tail.
Another chakra that varies among animals is the center located between the eyes on the bridge of the nose. This center is more developed in highly sensitive animals but can be overdeveloped or underdeveloped in others. Please note that this center should not be confused with the third eye, which is slightly higher on the bridge of the nose.
So, all in all… Chakras in pets
Brachial Chakra
Location: Between the shoulders
Function: Connection with humans
Signs of Imbalance: Avoidance of touch, refusal to connect
Governed Areas: Chest, throat, head, front limbs
Root Chakra
Location: Base of the tail
Function: Survival
Signs of Imbalance: Extreme fear/agitation, greed
Governed Areas: Intestines, hips, hind limbs, musculoskeletal system
Sacral Chakra
Location: Lower back area
Function: Sexuality, emotions
Signs of Imbalance: Boundary issues
Governed Areas: Kidneys, adrenal glands, reproductive system, lymphatic system
Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Middle of the spine
Function: Personal power
Signs of Imbalance: Shyness, avoiding eye contact/aggressiveness
Governed Areas: Digestive system, stomach, liver
Heart Chakra
Location: Chest/heart area
Function: Group hierarchy
Signs of Imbalance: Sadness, lack of enthusiasm/jealousy, nervousness around other animals
Governed Areas: Heart, lungs, immune system, thymus
Throat Chakra
Location: Throat area
Function: Communication
Signs of Imbalance: Non-communication, disobedience/noise
Governed Areas: Throat, mouth, teeth, jaw
Third Eye Chakra
Location: Between the eyes
Function: Self-acceptance
Signs of Imbalance: Vision problems, easily distracted
Governed Areas: Head in general, pineal gland, natural body rhythms
Crown Chakra
Location: Between the ears, above the head
Function: Connection with the divine
Signs of Imbalance: Depression, withdrawal
Governed Areas: Brain, pituitary gland, skin, spine, central nervous system, craniosacral system
Some animals do not have all 7 chakras
While most animals possess a similar energy system to humans, it is believed that some species may have a variation in the number or arrangement of chakras. It depends on the level of evolution of the species and its predispositions. Here are some examples of animals that are commonly thought to have a different chakra system:
Animals | Description |
Fish | Fish are believed to have a simplified or modified chakra system compared to mammals. The specific number and arrangement of their chakras are still debated. |
Invertebrates (e.g., Insects, Spiders, Snails) | Invertebrates, with their anatomical differences, are thought to have a different energy system compared to vertebrates. Some sources suggest they have a decentralized energy system rather than distinct chakras. |
Reptiles | Reptiles, such as snakes and lizards, are believed to have fewer chakras compared to mammals. Their chakra system may be simplified and arranged differently, reflecting their unique physiology and energy dynamics. |
Birds | Birds are thought to have a modified chakra system compared to mammals. While the specific number and arrangement of their chakras are still debated, it is generally believed that they have fewer chakras than humans. |
Amphibians | Amphibians, including frogs and salamanders, may have a simplified chakra system. The specific arrangement and number of their chakras are not well-documented, and further research is needed in this area. |
It’s important to note that information about the chakra systems in non-human animals is based on metaphysical and spiritual beliefs and traditions. The understanding of animal chakras is still evolving, and different perspectives exist. Consulting with experts in the field of animal energy work or holistic practitioners experienced in working with specific animal species can provide further insights into their unique energy systems and how they can be supported holistically.
Maintaining Balance and Harmony
Just like humans, pets can experience imbalances in their chakras, which can manifest as physical or behavioral issues. Some signs of chakra imbalances in pets may include lethargy, anxiety, aggression, or digestive problems. It’s important for pet owners to observe their pets and seek professional guidance from veterinarians, energy healers, or holistic practitioners if they suspect any chakra imbalances.
Various holistic practices, such as aromatherapy, crystal healing, Reiki, and energy work can be used to help restore balance and harmony to a pet’s chakras. Here are a few methods that can be beneficial:
- Aromatherapy: Certain essential oils, such as lavender or chamomile, can help calm an anxious pet and balance their chakras. Use a diffuser or dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and gently massage it into your pet’s fur or bedding.
- Crystal Healing: Crystals, like amethyst or rose quartz, can be placed near your pet’s energy centers to help rebalance their chakras. Introduce crystals gradually, ensuring your pet is comfortable and receptive to their energy.
- Reiki and Energy Work: Reiki channels healing energy to balance the chakras. Certified animal Reiki practitioners can provide sessions to help realign your pet’s energy centers.
- Meditation and Mindfulness: Engaging in calming activities like meditation or mindfulness exercises can help both you and your pet find inner peace and balance. Create a serene environment and encourage your pet to join you in quiet reflection.
- Physical Exercise and Outdoor Time: Regular physical exercise, such as walks or playtime, helps release stagnant energy and keeps your pet’s chakras active and balanced. Spending time outdoors in nature also allows them to connect with natural energy sources.
- Loving Affection and Positive Reinforcement: Shower your pet with love, care, and positive reinforcement to create a nurturing environment. Your pet’s emotional well-being directly impacts their chakras, so prioritize bonding and emotional connection.

Offering Reiki to pets
Offering Reiki to pets can be a beautiful and beneficial way to support their overall well-being and balance their energy. Here are some steps to follow when offering Reiki to your canine companion:
- Create a Calm and Relaxing Environment: Find a quiet space where you and your pet can be undisturbed. This could be a peaceful room in your home or a favorite spot in nature. Ensure that the temperature is comfortable and minimize any distractions.
- Set Your Intention: Before beginning the Reiki session, take a moment to set your intention. Focus on providing healing, love, and support to your pet. This intention will guide the flow of energy throughout the session.
- Get into a Relaxed State: It’s important for both you and your pet to be in a relaxed state during the session. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and release any tension or stress. Pets are sensitive to our energy, so it’s essential to approach the session with a calm and peaceful mindset.
- Connect with Your Pet: Gently approach your pet and allow them to decide if they want to participate. Pets are intuitive and will often show signs of readiness or interest. Offer your hand for them to sniff and observe their body language. If they seem comfortable and receptive, you can proceed with the session.
- Begin the Reiki Session: There are two main approaches to offering Reiki to pets—hands-on and hands-off. Choose the method that feels most comfortable for you and your pet.
- Hands-On: If your pet is comfortable with touch, place your hands gently on different areas of their body. Common areas include the head, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Keep your hands relaxed and allow the energy to flow naturally. You may feel warmth, tingling, or pulsations in your hands as the energy is transmitted. Trust your intuition and let your hands stay in each position for as long as it feels right.
- Hands-Off: If your pet is more sensitive to touch or prefers a hands-off approach, you can hold your hands a few inches above their body, allowing the energy to flow. Visualize the energy flowing through your hands and into your pet’s energy field. You can focus on specific chakras or areas that may need healing or balance.
- Observe Your Pet’s Response: Throughout the session, pay attention to your pet’s cues and reactions. Some pets may become deeply relaxed or fall asleep, while others may become more alert and curious. Trust their innate wisdom and respect their boundaries. If your pet shows signs of discomfort or wants to end the session, honor their wishes and stop.
- Close the Session: When you feel that the session is complete, gently thank your pet for participating and offer them some water or a treat. Take a moment to ground yourself and release any excess energy.
By offering Reiki to your pet with love and intention, you can create a nurturing and healing experience that supports their physical, emotional, and energetic well-being.
The benefits of Reiki to pets
Reiki offers numerous benefits to pets, promoting their overall well-being on physical, emotional, and energetic levels. Here are some of the key benefits of Reiki for pets:
- Stress Reduction: Pets, like humans, can experience stress and anxiety. Reiki helps to calm their nervous system and induces a state of deep relaxation. It can alleviate stress-related issues such as separation anxiety, fear of loud noises, or anxiety during veterinary visits.
- Pain Relief and Healing Support: Reiki can help alleviate pain and discomfort in pets. The gentle energy can promote relaxation of tense muscles, reduce inflammation, and support the body’s natural healing processes. It can be beneficial for pets with chronic conditions, injuries, or recovering from surgery.
- Emotional Balance: Pets have emotions just like humans, and Reiki can help them release emotional blockages, trauma, or past negative experiences. It can promote emotional healing, improve their overall mood, and enhance their ability to cope with challenging situations.
- Strengthened Bonding and Trust: Reiki sessions provide an opportunity for deep connection and bonding between pets and their human companions. The calming energy and nurturing touch during the session can strengthen the bond of trust and deepen the relationship.
- Enhanced Overall Wellness: Reiki supports the body’s natural healing abilities and promotes balance in the energy centers (chakras) of pets. By balancing their energy, Reiki can positively impact various aspects of their physical, emotional, and energetic well-being. It can boost their immune system, improve digestion, regulate sleep patterns, and promote a sense of vitality and overall wellness.
- Assistance with Transition and End-of-Life Care: Reiki can provide comfort and support to pets during times of transition, such as when they are aging or nearing the end of their life. It can help ease their physical discomfort, reduce anxiety, and offer emotional support during these challenging times.
- Increased Self-Awareness and Intuition: Pets are intuitive beings, and Reiki can enhance their natural abilities. Regular Reiki sessions can help pets become more self-aware, improve their ability to communicate their needs, and deepen their intuition and connection to their surroundings.

What a pet might experience during Reiki
During a Reiki session, pets can experience a variety of sensations, emotions, and reactions. While every pet is unique and may have individual responses, here are some common experiences that pets might go through during a Reiki session:
- Deep Relaxation: Pets often enter a state of deep relaxation during a Reiki session. They may become noticeably calm and may even close their eyes or enter a restful state. Their breathing may slow down, and their muscles may relax as they release tension and stress.
- Sensations of Warmth or Tingling: Pets may feel sensations of warmth or tingling in the areas where the Reiki practitioner’s hands are placed or near their energy centers. This can be a gentle, comforting sensation as the healing energy flows through their body.
- Increased Sensitivity and Awareness: Pets may become more aware of their surroundings and their own bodies during a Reiki session. They may tune into subtle energy shifts and respond to the practitioner’s touch or presence. This heightened sensitivity can contribute to their overall healing experience.
- Emotional Release: Pets may release emotional energy during a Reiki session. They may show signs of emotional release through yawning, sighing, whining, or even shedding tears. This indicates that they are letting go of emotional blockages or trauma, allowing for emotional healing to occur.
- Shifting Positions: Pets may instinctively shift their positions during a session to allow the energy to flow freely or to seek optimal comfort. They may choose to lie down, stretch out, or change their posture based on their own intuitive understanding of their energetic needs.
- Increased Trust and Bonding: Pets often develop a sense of trust and connection with the Reiki practitioner. They may seek physical contact, such as leaning into the practitioner’s hands or resting their head on their lap. This deepening bond can facilitate a safe and nurturing environment for healing to take place.
- Energetic Alignment and Balance: As Reiki works to balance the energy centers (chakras) in pets, they may experience a sense of energetic alignment. This can lead to an overall sense of well-being, improved vitality, and a harmonious flow of energy throughout their body.
It’s important to remember that each pet’s experience during Reiki is unique, and their responses may vary. Some pets may be more sensitive and receptive to the energy, while others may take more time to relax and fully engage in the session. As a practitioner or pet owner, observing and respecting the pet’s cues and boundaries is crucial to creating a safe and positive Reiki experience.
Ultimately, Reiki offers pets a gentle and supportive healing modality that honors their individual needs, promotes relaxation, and facilitates their overall well-being.
While the chakra system is generally similar across different species, it’s essential to approach animal energy work with respect, sensitivity, and an understanding of their unique needs and responses. Consulting with professionals experienced in working with animal chakras can provide further insights and guidance specific to cats or pets, ensuring their well-being is properly addressed.
Understanding the chakra system in pets offers a unique perspective on their overall well-being and provides insights into their physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. By nurturing and balancing their chakras, we can promote a harmonious and fulfilling life for our canine companions. Paying attention to their energy centers and seeking holistic methods to restore balance can contribute to their overall health and happiness. Embrace the journey of exploring and supporting the chakras in pets, allowing them to live their lives in alignment and with vibrant energy.
Article by Patricia Lidia
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Patricia Lidia is a corporate engineer, writer, blogger, and coach on creativity and emotional balance. She is passionate about reading and writing, alternative therapies, and spirituality. She is a Reiki master teacher with over ten years of experience. Her aim is to help women find their emotional balance and create the life they’ve always wanted.
She resides in Timisoara, Romania. You can find her at patricialidia.ro/ or patricialidiaemotionalhealing
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