The term Twin Flame has several definitions. If you look it up on the internet, you are likely to find dozens of interpretations of this term. This article shares my understanding of ‘Twin Flames’. It is based solely on my personal experience of a Twin Flame relationship and my study of the same. What I share is by no means the only truth. So, please take only whatever resonates with you.
Who is a Twin Flame?
A Twin Flame is a soul who plays a significant role in one’s journey. This person is very often a romantic partner. However, it can be a non-romantic relationship too. Some say it could also be a soul that is not in physical embodiment, yet makes a huge impact on the other incarnated twin from the etheric realms. However, with time, more and more Twin Flames are supposed to incarnate together on Earth, come into union and anchor the frequency of unconditional love on Earth.
A Twin Flame isn’t exactly a fairytale romance. The relationship can feel intense, grounding and calming all at once.
Intense because it acts as a catalyst for growth – pushing you to expand and grow in ways that you may not experience with any other person. A Twin Flame often acts as a mirror, showing you exactly what is unhealed within you. At the same time, he or she also brings out the very best in you.
Alongside the intensity, the relationship can also feel grounding and calming, because it is built on the foundation of unconditional love. It manages to stay alive despite many obstacles that come in the way.
Once both the partners embody unconditional love, no obstacle can rock the relationship. The partnership takes on a whole new heart centered vibe.
People who have had painful relationships in the past may discover that the relationship with their Twin Flame feels very different.
If it is a romantic partnership, one may notice that ex relationships (if any) fade in comparison to the depth offered by this relationship. The eyes of a Twin Flame reveal a deeper love and truth that cannot be explained with words but felt nonetheless.
If it is a non-romantic twin flame partnership, the dynamics would be slightly different. However, the potential for unparalleled growth and unconditional love would continue to remain defining factors here too.

Connect to your Twin Flame Meditation
If this article resonates with you, it means you may be in a Twin Flame relationship already, you will be in one eventually or your existing relationship with a significant person is ready to upgrade to the ‘Twin Flame’ frequency. This Twin Flame Meditation may help you on this sacred journey.
- Do a full body Reiki self-healing.
- Once done, bring your awareness to your Heart chakra. Gently place your palms over it. Breathe and stay in the heart space for a couple of minutes.
- Next, place your palms on your Root chakra. Feel your connection to Mama Earth for a minute or two.
- Then bring your awareness back to your Heart. Visualise or feel the presence of a glittering golden key within your heart.
- Pick up the key and call on a Being of Light to help you unlock the portion of your heart that houses the Twin Flame frequency. You may see an Angel, Spirit Guide or Ascended Master appear in your awareness.
- Allow the rest of the process to unfold spontaneously. Don’t try to make anything happen. Relax into the flow and notice what happens. Even if nothing appears to happen, please don’t worry. Just continue to breathe and meditate. Energy can work without necessarily showing you what exactly is happening. All it requires is that you are receptive to the experience.
- Affirm – “I am now ready to upgrade to/unlock the ‘Twin Flame Unconditional Love’ frequency. I am ready to unite with my Twin Flame and to walk the path towards unconditional love. Thank you Divine Love & Light.”
- Once the process feels complete, direct some energy from your heart, through your Root chakra and down into Mama Earth.
- Once done, express your gratitude to the ‘Being of Light’ and see them leaving.
- Return to your heart space and rest there for as long as you wish to. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes. Drink some water and ground by moving your body gently.
- Relax and let go that, knowing that the path towards your highest good will appear in divine timing.
Experienced Reiki healers and people committed to the healing path should be able to do this meditation easily. If you find it hard, I would encourage you to practice Reiki regularly and to work on building a strong foundation, before you attempt Twin Flame work.
When you do this work, it is important not to get too attached to the terminology and its various interpretations though. The term Twin Flame is fluid. I believe it is more representative of an energy dynamic.
When someone asks if people have only one Twin Flame, my honest answer is “I don’t know for sure yet. This is an emerging new paradigm. I will let you know when I am certain I have the answer.”
For now, what I do know is that there are people who come into our lives like a whirlwind, transform it from the inside out, get us soaring to new heights, and show us the meaning of unconditional love. And if Twin Flame is what such a person is called, so be it! What such souls represent is more significant to me than the term itself.
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Interesting article! Thank you. I’m so curious, would you have any insight on what it may feel like for a Reiki Practitioner to meet their own romantic soulmate or twin flame? I believe, based on intuition, an incredible peaceful energy she brings with physical presence that feels like home, and a prediction regarding her name and interests matching up, I found her (“romantic, almost like Twin Flame” was my prediction). I’m a non-practitioner that is attuned to energy and advanced mindfulness techniques. This is a brand new friendship within a friendship group. She must be feeling energy too. I feel mutual positivity with physical presence. She’s younger, but in her 3rd attunement currently. That could lead to high sensitivity I’d think, a sense of my energy being in the same room or over the phone, perhaps leading to some strange reactions from her that I’m experiencing, like she’s assessing things? Not seeking advice, more so a quick sanity check since I don’t know any other practitioners!