“Could you please give me a re-attunement?”
This is a request I have received multiple times over years. It comes in both from people who have trained with me and also from those who have trained with other teachers.
Most people start off their Reiki journey on an enthusiastic note but many lose touch with practice along the way.
Somewhere down the line, the desire to re-connect with Reiki takes birth within their hearts again.
And they get in touch asking if they can be re-attuned.
And this is my answer to most of them –
“Please practice Reiki everyday for at least a month. And make note of how you feel. Are you able to connect to the energy? If yes, you will not require a re-attunement. If no, let’s explore the possibility of a re-attunement after a month.”
Four out of five people who ask to be re-attuned are able to catch up just by establishing a daily self-healing practice. One out of five may still need the boost of a re-attunement to get back on track.
With Reiki, it is important to remember that the attunement only launches you on the path. Once launched, we have to make an effort to walk the path. And this can happen only through consistent self-healing practice. There are no shortcuts.
It is important to work with the energy – to feel the beautiful life force energy flowing through our palms and through our bodies as frequently as possible. The more we connect to Reiki, the more it becomes a part of us.

A re-attunement is not a solution every time someone loses touch with practice. Reiki re-attunements are the exception, not the norm.
The norm is daily practice.
Keeping up with daily practice requires commitment and strength. In other words, it requires a good amount of will power – the ability to take up tasks and bring them to completion.
And will is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra.
If you have a hard time keeping up with practice, building strength in the Solar Plexus can help you develop the will required to maintain consistency.
Tips to Strengthen the Solar Plexus
- Affirmations – “I am blessed to have Reiki in my life. My daily Reiki practice happens with ease and brings me joy. I am a successful Reiki practitioner. I use the gift of Reiki to bring blessings into my life and into the world.” Write this affirmation on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow every night for 21 days. This will allow the energy of the words to work on your subconscious and to support you in making a shift.
- Sun Meditation – Every morning, meditate for a few minutes outdoors in the sun. As you meditate, visualize the energy of the sun filling up your solar plexus and infusing it with strength. If you cannot do this outdoors, you can set an intention to connect to the sun’s energy and do it indoors too.
- Crystals – Wear crystal bracelets or pendants associated with the solar plexus chakra – citrine, tiger’s eye, yellow tourmaline, sunstone, yellow jasper to name a few.
- Reflection – Reflect on how your life may shift if Reiki becomes an integral part of your existence. How will you feel physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Do you think you will feel more empowered? Will you experience a greater degree of wellness? Put your thoughts and feelings down on paper. This exercise may inspire you to take up daily Reiki practice with more ease.
Enjoy the gift of Reiki!
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at lightworkersonearth.com, whenspiritmeetsscience.com on email at angelhealingbangalore@gmail.com and on Facebook at Angel Light.
Thank you for this article on reattunement. It really hit home. I had lost my path in 2019. I am a Reiki Master Teacher. So many things happened the last 4 years. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, had radiosurgery during covid, my mom whom I was caretaker for had a downward turn and passed last January. I’ve since lost hearing in my right ear due to the tumor, but the migraines are less now and I can walk unassisted again..all plusses! I have been using Reiki sporadically and thought seriously of another attunement. I think I will continue on and then I may still get a reattunement in the future.