We may have a phase in our life when we do not feel self-love. The reality is that when our self-love diminishes, we start doubting our true essence which affects our auric field and well-being. The lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness may result in a lack of self-love. There may be various reasons for this lack for example physical appearance, behavioral aspects, or something else.
Let us take the support of Mother Earth to heal this lack and clear energetic blocks to promote self-love in our life. The gift of crystals from Mother Earth will help us to raise the energetic vibrations of divine love and light to those who seek.
Crystals are the healing tools to attract the positive energies of self-love. These tools from the Mother Earth help not only to clear out unwanted energies but also help activate self-compassion, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness.
Blending Reiki with crystals combination laid out on a sacred geometric pattern to attract the Universal life force Energies enhances self-love and divine light to our Being.
Reiki Crystal Grid for self-love healing is one of the beautiful and powerful way of inviting higher dimension frequencies of self-love into your life. It heals emotional wounds and pain as it brings the gentle energy of unconditional love into your space.
I would like to share a simple and effective way to create a Reiki crystal grid for self-love. Infusing Reiki into crystals with intention and affirmation will enhance the healing effects.
First, choose the crystals that will help you to tap the energies of self-love. For example:
Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love with enormous emotional healing properties. This should be the focus stone and/or desire stone for the crystal grid. Rose Quartz, is a wonderful crystal holding high vibrations of love energy that helps you to align with energies of unconditional love, peace, joy, kindness and compassion towards yourself.
Clear Quartz, in any form, is a “master healer” that amplifies the energy of your intention and crystals. This can be used as a focus stone and/or a way stone.
These crystals when arranged in a scared geometry will amplify the healing properties of crystals and brings divine energies of self-love into your space.
Create a sacred space for the Reiki crystal grid.
Things you will need:
- Crystal grid layout – Sacred geometry pattern, seed of life – You can take grid template print out of any size on a colored paper of your choice
- 7 Natural Himalayan Rock Salt Chunks – to neutralize all negative energies from the intention, the grid and the surroundings
- 1 crystal wand or pendulum, preferably clear quartz or rose quartz
- 1 clear quartz crystal pyramid or rose quartz crystal pyramid or crystal pointer or heart-shaped rose quartz to use as a focus or center stone
- 6 clear quartz crystal tumble stones as Way stones to enhance the vibrations of the intention along with your focus stone
- 6 Rose quartz crystal tumble stones as a Desire stone to invite the energies of unconditional love into your life
All crystals must be cleansed before use. All the above must be purified and charged with Reiki and guided symbols.
Now, write an intention slip that resonates with you for self-love.
Write a few affirmations that reflect self-love. For example: “I choose self-love”, “I unconditionally love and accept myself”.
Do the prayers and rituals which you normally do before starting any healing.

Procedure to layout your crystal grid for self-love:
- Take a seed of life, crystal grid template – write your name underneath the grid layout.
- Keep an intention slip on the center of the grid.
- Now keep Reiki-charged Natural Himalayan Rock Salt chunks with a strong intention of purifying your grid. Keep one on the top of the intention slip and 6 surrounding the seed of life crystal grid layout. Leave it for a few hours or up to one day.
- Remove all the salt chunks from the grid.
- Call your guides and pray with your set intention before laying crystals on the grid.
- Arrange crystals – Hold your chosen crystal as a focus stone, say your intention and channel Reiki to it. Now, keep your focus stone on the center of the grid above your intention slip.
- Hold a clear quartz crystal tumble stone as a way stone, one at a time, say your affirmation to the crystal and channel Reiki for the Greatest Good. Keep the first way stone, starting from the top center of the inner circle of the grid. Keep the rest of the way stones in a clockwise direction in a symmetrical pattern by following the same ritual.
- Hold a rose quartz crystal as a Desire stone, one at a time, say your affirmation to the stone and channel Reiki for the Greatest Good. Do the same for the rest of the Desire stones by keeping the crystals in a symmetrical pattern one at a time by following a clockwise path.
- The Reiki crystal grid layout is now set. It is time to activate your grid with the purest intention of inviting healing energies of self-love. You can use a crystal wand or crystal pendulum to activate the grid. If you do not have any, use your fingers to connect the crystals.
Take a few moments to center yourself and focus on your intention of activating self-love in your life.
- Now, Invoke Reiki and affirm: “I am a clear and perfect channel and Reiki light is my guide”
- “I Activate self-love, I Activate self-love, I Activate self-love” – Speak your intention aloud 3 times.
- Bring your focus on the center stone, visualize a divine light coming from the Universe and pouring over your focus stone.
- Now, use a crystal wand as a pen and the divine light as your ink to connect the crystals in the grid.
- Let light be your guide, connect every crystal of the grid with the focus stone by visualizing a ray of light as a line from one crystal to another moving in a clockwise direction.
- Let your intuition guide you.
- By moving your crystal wand or fingertips, connect and visualize every crystal in the grid with the next crystal and the focus stone.
- Visualize all the lines of the grid emanating light.
- The last connecting Gem of the grid is Divine You.
Pay Gratitude. Thank the Universe, Reiki, Mother Earth, crystals, and everyone you feel guided for blessing you with the highest vibrations of self-love.
Every day meditate while focusing on the grid for a few minutes and place a Reiki energy ball over it.
You can use a crystal pendulum to purify, charge and empower the crystal grid. Enhance the vibrations of the crystal grid space by lighting a candle and keeping red roses next to it.
The above self-love grid is the simplest, but you can use other crystal combinations. You may choose the crystals which resonate self-love for you and arrange them on a sacred geometric pattern to enhance the vibration. Finally, activate your grid with a strong intention.
Let the strong energy of this crystal grid open the door for unconditional love in your Heart to enter your Being.
: Knock-knock
: Who is there
: It is self-love
Let the ever-flowing love encompass you!
Love and Light!
Article by Shailja Kapur
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Shailja Kapur
Shailja Kapur is a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher and a Certified Meditation Teacher. She conducts both in-person and online Reiki sessions, and her healing services include Distant Healing, Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Candle Healing, Magnified Healing, Breathing Exercises, and Guided Meditations. Shailja also provides personalized meditations depending on your personal needs and choices. She always felt a strong connection with Reiki and since the possibilities are endless when practicing this amazing healing modality, Shailja is enthusiastic to experiment with Reiki and share her experiences with the world. She believes self-purification, self-dedication, and selflessness enhance our Reiki experiences.
For any sessions or communication, Shailja can be reached via her e-mail address divinereikiblessings@gmail.com. You can also enjoy Shailja’s content through her YouTube channel: Showers Healing.
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