Hello, all the beautiful people out there. We all are blessed to be a part of the lightworkers family, channelizing the pure divine light for the highest good of everyone. We are the blessed ones, the chosen ones who contribute in our small little ways to make the world a more beautiful place to live.
So, talking about beauty, let’s discuss a few simple energy-healing hacks to make you look and feel more attractive. Make no mistake; you are the most beautiful creation of God; the rest is just touch-up.
1. Daily self-healing
There is no alternative to regular self-healing with Reiki. For each and everything, whether it is healing for some disorder, general well-being, manifestation, etc., invoke Reiki and do self-healing for some time daily. As it becomes a habit, many changes are observed that enhance your personality. For example, the blood circulation increases, the skin starts glowing, confidence develops, there is a relaxed state of mind, you begin to feel at peace, and self-love develops. And trust me; you will get compliments from people that you look lovely. So, continue self-healing and make it an unalterable part of your routine.
2. Reiki water
An elixir of love, the Reiki-charged water is a must if you want glowing, radiant, beautiful skin. You can make a small bottle of Reiki water by filling normal potable water in a glass bottle and charging it with Reiki energy for about 20-25 minutes with the intention that this water makes the skin healthy, glowing, and flawless. Reiki water can either be sprinkled on the face a couple of times a day and/or can be consumed by adding a small quantity (a tsp) of Reiki water to a glass of normal water. Moon water has the same effects.
3. Rose quartz
The ever-reliable baby of mother earth, rose quartz, cleansed and charged with Reiki, worn as a pendant, necklace, bracelet, or ring, is a fantastic ally when that extra shimmer is required. It enhances the whole personality, radiates such lovely vibrations that work magically, and you feel more loved and look more beautiful.
4. Reiki your cosmetics
Try this tip and give Reiki to the set of cosmetics that you use frequently. It would not only enhance their effect but also minimize any side effects if there are any. You will definitely feel a plus-one effect with every item you have given Reiki. Don’t be surprised to see some more appreciation in the eyes of your loved ones.

5. The pink light cover
Imagine yourself covered all over with a bright pink light; it works wonders.
6. Invoke Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel is responsible for beauty and wisdom in angelic realms. So, when you need to look awesome on a particular occasion, just invoke her and pray to her. Then, walk out confidently for the event, trusting in her magic, and you may find a few heads turning towards you.
7. Reiki your mirror
The mirror is a very important part of our routine, especially when it comes to getting ready and self-care. What is directed toward the mirror is reflected back, so send loving energy to your mirror, which will reflect it toward you. Seeing yourself in the mirror and seeing how beautiful you are profoundly affects everything around you. So keep sending love to the person you see daily in the mirror.
8. Reiki your dresses, jewelry and accessories
Sending the loving Reiki energy to your belongings like dresses, jewellery etc will make them suit you impeccably. As you wear them, it would appear that these things were just made for you.
9. Reiki symbols
Reiki symbols have immense potential and power that adds to every intention that you use them for. The Power symbol will enhance the positive vibes and, at the same time, protect you from any kind of negativity. The Harmony symbol balances the energy body; in addition if you are attuned to, using symbols like Zonar and Harth is extremely beneficial while self-healing. These together alleviate any form of anxiety, nurture self-love and self-esteem, and contribute immensely to the development of a magnetic personality.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, correctly said. However, the beholder comes after the person themself. To look beautiful, you should feel beautiful inside, and then it automatically radiates outside. With these simple energy healing tools, you shall look beautiful and feel it inside you. Practicing these simple things will definitely enhance your appearance, but more than that, they can introduce you to a ‘new you’. A you who is charming, affectionate, calm, confident, radiant, joyful, and charismatic; you, whom everyone is happy and willing to meet; you, who is one of the most beautiful persons you have ever met.
So, trust the universe, love yourself, celebrate yourself, cherish yourself, and become a be-you-tiful you.
Love and Light,
Article by Astha Shrivastava
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Astha is attuned to Reiki since 19 years and has started healing those in need since her first Reiki level in 2000. She achieved the grandmasters level 6 years ago and since then has been teaching Reiki to people. Being a Ph.D. in Biotechnology, she has a basic instinct of combining science with Reiki and utilizing the combination for the highest good of people. She firmly believes that the basic knowledge of how various tissue and organs of body function adds to the effect of energy healing. She has also expanded her Reiki boundaries to encompass Angel Reiki and Crystal Reiki. Astha also provides consultations to Reiki channels and seekers to help them grow in their practice. Currently, she features as a partner expert on lifepositive.com/therapist/asthashrivastava and can be contacted at reiki.astha81@gmail.com.
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